Posts Tagged ‘submissions’

The True Spirit of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu . . . Demonstrated by Red Pandas?!

If you bring up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or “submission wrestling” at the water cooler, your listeners are going to have many different (and many false) impressions of what you’re talking about. They could imagine something like this suplex to flying armbar by Demetrius Johnson. But what you could be trying to communicate is something along the […]

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Rousimar Palhares: A Troublesome Cautionary Tale

Fighters and politicians are so different that I probably use different brain cells just to think about either of them. However, their one commonality is that they’re both often masterful excuse-makers. Sure, plenty of them aren’t (Randy Couture, Matt Hughes, etc.). However, plenty of them are, and I’ll admit that if I sacrificed all of […]

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